00:32:51 Christine Wallace: yes! 00:32:57 Amanda Grinvalds: Yes, I can. 00:32:58 Jennifer Kovac: Yes, I can see it 00:32:59 Rachel Villalobos: Looks great! 00:33:01 Joyce Smith: Yes 00:34:07 Christine Wallace: Web consultant 00:34:10 Jennifer Kovac: Outreach Services Librarian - lots of hats 00:34:22 Amanda Grinvalds: Library Programs 01:07:24 Rachel Kahalley: It's free for a club I'm in 01:08:26 Hope Willis: Hard to read. 01:08:29 Joyce Smith: Blurry 01:08:33 Amanda Grinvalds: Blurry 01:08:37 Rachel Kahalley: Bad contrast 01:08:46 Christine Wallace: nope 01:08:48 Hope Willis: Bad image. 01:09:59 Christine Wallace: too many fonts 01:10:06 Christine Wallace: and font styles 01:10:35 Christine Wallace: also haha “tech time” isn’t reflected here 01:11:30 Hope Willis: one thing is blurry 01:11:31 Amanda Grinvalds: Low resolution 01:11:32 Rachel Kahalley: Blurry, not vector? 01:13:45 Christine Wallace: I hear this all the time - “but we don’t have time to create more than just the poster” 01:14:16 Christine Wallace: Yes! That’s what I say too, good I am on right track 01:28:43 Christine Wallace: Formats - I knew this from long ago, but good to have refresher 01:29:00 Amanda Grinvalds: Canva as a good option to use. We use it at my library and we love it. 01:29:25 Rachel Kahalley: Changing the size of images to suit the platform is definitely something I overlook. 01:29:39 Christine Wallace: Also, social media preferences, these are really good tips 01:30:12 Hope Willis: thank you 01:30:22 Christine Wallace: Thank you so much 01:30:40 Rachel Kahalley: 👏🏼