00:37:17 Regina Burgess: Handout: https://planfl.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/20230725bruno.pdf 00:40:04 Regina Burgess: Guilty! 00:40:22 Sheryl Hamm: Been there done that! 00:40:29 Katy Marquardt: guilty here lol! 00:53:08 Teresa Smith: I knew that would happen 00:53:13 Katy Marquardt: same 00:53:16 Vicky Stever: I never should have 00:53:28 Daniel Butler: "Now my whole day is ruined." It always seems like more happens after something bad starts the day. 00:53:32 Lena Phelps: Great now my whole day is ruined 00:54:35 Mariana Jovanovic: things could always get worse 00:54:52 Daniel Butler: Always wanted a pool? 00:55:19 Katy Marquardt: yes! 00:55:57 Mariana Jovanovic: yes, it's like a false positive 00:57:37 Teresa Smith: negative 00:57:40 Sheryl Hamm: depressed 00:57:59 Mariana Jovanovic: feeling helpless 00:58:04 Daniel Butler: Acceptance 00:58:29 Vicky Stever: victimized 01:00:17 Teresa Smith: complaining 01:00:19 Vicky Stever: slumping? 01:00:29 Katy Marquardt: low self esteem 01:00:30 Sheryl Hamm: being behind 01:00:59 Vicky Stever: scowling 01:01:01 Sheryl Hamm: yes. gotcha! 01:01:21 Regina Burgess: I have to admit I'm an eye roller... 01:01:22 Vicky Stever: eye rolls 01:01:37 Vicky Stever: shrugs 01:01:44 Vicky Stever: I seem to know too much about this 01:01:51 Katy Marquardt: wrinkle nose 01:03:38 Teresa Smith: missing work or other things 01:04:00 Katy Marquardt: isolation 01:04:18 Teresa Smith: yelling at someone 01:07:20 Sheryl Hamm: it's weighing on you 01:08:30 Vicky Stever: nature photos 01:10:08 Katy Marquardt: 50/50 01:10:09 Teresa Smith: 80 positive 01:10:10 Daniel Butler: Mine seems to alternate between deadlines and song lyrics. 01:10:14 Sheryl Hamm: my family - always thinking about them -positive 01:10:16 Regina Burgess: 25% negative; 75% positive 01:10:34 Lena Phelps: too much negative 01:11:02 Daniel Butler: I'm around 80% positive / 20% neutral 01:11:09 Daniel Butler: (No room for negative) :p 01:12:34 Vicky Stever: "Perfect is the enemy of good." 01:13:56 Mei-Ju Chen: excellent is a goal but allow mistakes for learning and improvement 01:14:12 Mei-Ju Chen: great 01:16:06 Teresa Smith: violent tv 01:16:14 Vicky Stever: toxic thoughts 01:16:16 Regina Burgess: Too much news 01:16:20 Sheryl Hamm: negative people 01:16:22 Daniel Butler: Spam calls. 01:16:22 Katy Marquardt: toxic people 01:16:29 candice collins: social media 01:16:32 Lena Phelps: yes, toxic people! 01:16:36 Vicky Stever: politics!!!!!! 01:17:05 Maria Companioni: vampire energy family or friend 01:18:50 Regina Burgess: Boundaries! 01:20:35 Teresa Smith: Rosanna rosanna Dana 01:20:42 Daniel Butler: Doofus DanDan. 01:20:43 Katy Marquardt: nasty nancy 01:20:43 Vicky Stever: I don't know if I would call myself this one, but I've heard Negative Nelly. 01:21:08 Vicky Stever: Emily Litella from SNL 01:28:12 Teresa Smith: Relax more 01:28:18 Sheryl Hamm: take time to read and not worry about the "to do" list at the house 01:28:26 Daniel Butler: Actually take my breaks at work. 01:28:27 Katy Marquardt: meditate more 01:28:46 Teresa Smith: sit and think (not social media) 01:29:02 Mei-Ju Chen: Gardening 01:29:04 Teresa Smith: good one daniel 01:30:53 Regina Burgess: My best friends and I share memes via text a lot - I love when I receive a text from them with a meme because I know that means they're thinking of me. ☺️ 01:30:56 Daniel Butler: Mine is the opposite. I get caught up in what I'm doing and then realized I never took a break... 01:31:56 Regina Burgess: I set timers on my work computer to make sure I take breaks. 01:32:26 Daniel Butler: That's a good idea. Thank you, Regina. 01:33:24 Vicky Stever: Don't read the comments on Facebook 01:33:57 Vicky Stever: I cannot believe how people respond to a news item or innocent question. Toxic. 01:35:13 Vicky Stever: And definitely do not read the ALA Think Tank on Facebook. Yikes! 01:35:46 Sheryl Hamm: Thank you, Linda! I need to go get on the desk. 01:36:12 Mariana Jovanovic: start my day with a positive thought 01:36:51 Regina Burgess: If you aren't a PLAN member, ask your MLC for access! 01:37:20 Linda Hamilton: Thank you 01:37:21 Mei-Ju Chen: Thank you so much. Brought such a positive thought and presentation. 01:37:21 Ken Frankel: Thank you! 01:37:23 Teresa Smith: Thank you 01:37:24 Mariana Jovanovic: thank you Linda 01:37:25 candice collins: Thanks