00:29:55 Bobby Bothmann: Slides: https://bit.ly/CatER 00:31:32 viri rosas: I have no audio 00:32:01 Rachel Villalobos: have you joined with your audio? I believe you can do that in the unmute area. 00:32:16 viri rosas: ok, thnaks 00:44:17 Bobby Bothmann: Slides: https://bit.ly/CatER 01:51:15 Mary Rickelman: I was going to ask this --- so $z is still ok --slide 25/ ISBN vs eISBN. can we still use the $z(ISBN number)? 01:55:41 Mary Rickelman: Ok you just answered my question 01:57:29 Mary Rickelman: Right that is what I was remembering when z indicates it isn't that version , questionable 01:57:38 Mary Rickelman: Not sure I'm making sense 01:58:34 Mary Rickelman: Someone mentioned to me that that helps people find material if have all the "versions available" 01:58:52 Mary Rickelman: Thanks 01:59:33 Bobby Bothmann: Slides: https://bit.ly/CatER 01:59:47 Bobby Bothmann: bobby.bothmann@gmail.com 01:59:51 Mary Rickelman: Thank you so much. 01:59:54 Hope Willis: Thank you 01:59:57 Alora Cummings: thank you! 02:00:02 Rachel Vlahov: Thank you! 02:00:03 Ted Power: Thank you 02:00:06 Hakyeong Min: Thank you! 02:00:12 Donna Pletcher: Thanks! 02:00:19 Susie Del Rosario: Thank you!