00:30:17 Rachel Villalobos: https://planfl.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/20230620bruno.pdf 00:33:00 candice collins: friends, nepotism 00:33:27 candice collins: can do no wrong 00:33:29 Sheri Edwards: employee is offspring of VIP 00:33:54 Jules Bailey: Some people are high performers right away and others need more training 00:34:10 Sheri Edwards: they bring food, etc. 00:34:27 Natalie Binder: Alternatively someone could be really quiet or anxious and you overlook them 00:37:19 candice collins: meetings 00:37:23 Sheri Edwards: daily trips to get coffee 00:37:26 Winona Patterson: long lunches on worktime 00:37:38 candice collins: praise at meetings 00:38:11 Jules Bailey: Did not happen to me but I have heard of people being scheduled punitively 12-2 on the reference desk frequently which of course means either an early or late lunch 00:38:25 candice collins: raises and promotion when others don't 00:49:21 Sheri Edwards: indeed 00:49:40 Sheri Edwards: same! 00:52:17 Sheri Edwards: wow - yes, needs another job! 00:54:12 Winona Patterson: physical health 00:54:23 Sheri Edwards: mental and emotional health 00:54:25 Natalie Binder: patron experience 00:54:38 Sheri Edwards: goals unmet 00:55:00 Natalie Binder: stressful work environment 00:55:08 Sheri Edwards: lack of team cohesiveness 00:56:42 Sheri Edwards: "The Office" reruns forme 00:58:51 Jill Nightingale: People you work with 00:59:17 Sheri Edwards: My boss was driving things and treated us all like we were the only ones in the room. Rare quality. 00:59:28 Natalie Binder: Knowing others are counting on you and your work will make a difference 00:59:36 Sheri Edwards: right! 01:00:03 candice collins: input recognized and asked for 01:00:03 Sonya Surgeont: When your manager always want to see everyone on the Team win at whatever projects or programs that they are hosting. 01:00:22 Daniel M.: Coworkers got together and collaboratively discussed how to make things better, and actually followed through together to make those changes happen. Good leadership is a great start but collaboration can help promote buy-in and bring about longer-lasting change 01:00:55 Sheri Edwards: 👆🏻 01:00:59 Sonya Surgeont: yes 01:01:32 Natalie Binder: We've just started having a group discussion of "emerging topics" as part of our staff meeting 01:02:16 Jules Bailey: Getting things done. It's very demotivating to work on things that never go anywhere or materialize into results 01:02:45 Natalie Binder: And that helps break the ice for talking about things going on at work 01:03:12 Sheri Edwards: Encourage risk and let it be known that it's fine to mess up. 01:05:42 Natalie Binder: Good working conditions 01:05:49 Sheri Edwards: job security 01:05:54 Winona Patterson: work I'm interested in 01:06:13 Ted Power: Good working conditions 01:06:23 Brittnee Fisher: Potential for Growth 01:06:52 candice collins: good working conditions 01:07:10 Sheri Edwards: high wages 01:07:12 Winona Patterson: job security 01:07:15 Daniel M.: being appreciated 01:08:20 Sheri Edwards: Interesting! 01:09:40 Sheri Edwards: Quick question: sometimes I feel like I over-compliment to the point that it becomes hollow. Linda, do you have anything on that? Any insight? 01:09:54 Winona Patterson: Agreed - me too 01:12:28 Sheri Edwards: Makes so much sense! Thank you, Linda (especially the "specific" part, and writing notes)! 01:12:32 Jill Nightingale: yes 01:17:25 Natalie Binder: giving anyone the opportunity to lead a program if they have a good idea 01:17:46 Sheri Edwards: Making sure I uphold the same standards for myself as I do for my team. 01:17:51 Winona Patterson: I thank each of my volunteers for being there that day 01:18:04 candice collins: staff lunches, birthday and holiday parties 01:18:33 Selina Raghunath: Personalize your appreciation by mentioning what exactly you're grateful or thankful for instead of just a generic "good job!" 01:18:41 Sheri Edwards: Yes, Candice! Gonna take my team bowling soon (and fund it)! 01:18:47 Ted Power: Team meetings where everyone is encouraged and has the opportunity to contribute 01:19:03 Sheri Edwards: wow...nice! 01:19:13 candice collins: Nice Sheri! 01:19:45 Sheri Edwards: I love that! 01:20:15 Sheri Edwards: Smarties! 01:20:43 Sheri Edwards: $100,000 bars are at Publix 01:20:58 Sheri Edwards: "Payday" 01:21:53 Natalie Binder: We have a Thumball that we've been having fun with lately 01:22:34 Natalie Binder: It's like a small soccer ball where each of the sections has a question on it--there are several varieties 01:23:09 Sheri Edwards: Awesome citations anonymously (stick on door, in mailbox): https://www.amazon.com/Knock-12098-Awesome-Citation-Nifty/dp/160106621X 01:29:37 Jill Nightingale: Thank you. 01:29:40 Sheri Edwards: Thank you Linda, as always!! 01:29:46 candice collins: Thank you! 01:29:53 Winona Patterson: Thanks Linda - always a great and educational time with you. 01:29:54 Ted Power: Thank you! 01:29:54 Panna Mody: Thank you 01:30:03 Daniel M.: Thank you for your insights! 01:30:05 Sonya Surgeont: Thanks! 01:30:11 Michelle Ray: Thank you! 01:30:19 Natalie Binder: Thank you!